Sunday, 20 April 2014

How to run Android 4.4 ( KitKat ) on PC using Virtual Box ( With Pictures )

You already know Android is the best operating system for the smartphones . And you can also run it on PC
So how its done ... There are basically two methods
a) Dual booting with windows .
b) Inside Virtual box.

I recommend you the second step .
So  Just follow These steps

Things you Need :

1. Oracle's Virtual Box . You can download it from Its official site , choose your operating system and download . Its open source that is its FREE

2. Android x86 . This is the Operating System which will be installed on your computer. You can download it from here . Its also open source .

3. A bootable DVD . And a nice cup of Coffee ; )

4. Before you proceed create a new partition of 10 GB . You can create it of any size but if you have available disk space you can create it . If you don't know how to create partitions click here .
It will guide you .

Get Started ...

Step 1 :

Install the Oracle's Virtual Box on your computer . Please take all of its packages don't untick anything . Believe on it it doesn't give you toolbars or downloaders .

Step 2 : 

Launch virtual box and click on " New " . 


Step 2 :

You will be prompted to the screen like this . Make arrangements like in the image below . You can name it anything Then click on next .

Step 3: 

I recommend you to keep the default settings as it is . 
Assign  the  RAM . The recommended size is 256 MB. Then it will ask you to about virtual hard drive check the " Create Virtual Hard Drive Now ". And then click on Create > Next> Dynamically allocated >

A box will appear don't do anything just minimize the virtual box . 

Step 4 : Now this is important step . If you miss this the android won't get installed

 In the partition that you have created earlier create a folder named Android . Now Open virtual box and assign the size for the Android . Recommended size is 10 GB . Now click on the little folder icon next to the name of the Android x86  . It will open windows explorer . Now Browse to the folder in the new partition that you have created . Then Click on " Create "

After you have completed all these steps It will look like this 

Step 5 :

Now go to the folder where you have downloaded the Android x86.iso file and burn it to any blank DVD . If you have no idea about how to do it just click here  . 

Step 6 :

Open Virtual Box and click on " Start " .

It will open a new window . Make sure that you have inserted the DVD , and now AGAIN click on " Start " .

Step 7 :

Now use arrow keys and highlight the " Installation - Install android to hard disk "  and press Enter

Step 8 : 

Now select  " Create/modify partitions "  and press Enter 

A Black and white screen will appear  ( Oh.. This used to scare me a lot when I was beginner ) Highlight the "new" using arrow key and hit Enter . 

Now highlight  " Primary "  option and hit Enter .

Again Hit enter . Now highlight the " Bootable "  option and hit Enter. 

Now highlight the " Write " option and hit Enter . make sure that there is no data in the new partition because this step will erase all data on it , so be careful .

Now when you see the following screen ,type " yes " . And hit enter

Now highlight the " Quit "  option and hit enter .

Step 9 :

You will see the previous screen like in step 8 but now there is another option like Sda something . 

Highlight the first option and hit enter . You will see something like this ...

Choose " ext3 " option and hit enter . Again select  "yes" and hit enter . It will format the partition . 

Step 10 :

If you want GRUB loader then select Yes otherwise skip it . I recommend you to select Yes.

Now again select Yes for system directory read/write
Installation should start .

Step 11 : After installation is completed select reboot option and restart the OS inside the Virtual Box . Make sure that you have removed the DVD from the DVD-rom if you haven't done it do it before restarting the Android .Otherwise you will be redirected to the whole installation process rather than rebooting. 

Step 12 : Select first option .

Now android should start . 

Tips :

1)Now to use mouse inside the guest OS which here android  click on the screen of android and then click on capture ,and to get back to the host system hold right CTRL + I then you will able to use mouse cursor on your host OS that is your original operating system.

2) Select your country and proceed furthor

How to burn a iso image to DVD

For many purposes like installing new OS you have to burn the iso image to the DVD . So follow these steps ....

Step 1 : For windows 7 and 8 users 

Insert any blank DVD in you DVD-rom ( Of Course )
Get your  xxxxx.iso file and right click on it . And select " Burn Disk Image " . Check " verify disk after burning " and click     "Start "

Just wait for few minutes and  Your done :)

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

How to find Google+ ID

Finding google plus id is very simple just follow the following steps....

Step 1 : Sign in to your google account (of course !)

Step 2 : Click on your photo . Then on "View Profile ".

Step 3  : Then see your browser's address bar.You should see something like this ..

Step 4 : The highlighted number is your Google+ ID

Sunday, 13 April 2014

HOW TO USE 3D ANALYSER ( Playing high quality games without Garphics Card )

I have already posted about this topic if you haven't read it , click here
There is another method I am suggesting you . So you can try this too . Follow these steps....

Step 1: Firstly download 3d analyzer from here .

Step 2 : Extract the zip file anywhere on your computer .

Step 3 : Now Run 3DAnalyze.exe file.You should see something like this .

Step 4 : Press 'Select' . And select the main executable file of game NOT the shortcut . ( Here I am         giving you the example of God of war game.)

Step 5 : Now adjust the settings there. VendorID ,DeviceId may be useful . There are few more IDs Use them .When your done just click on 'Run' .

Step 6 : There are few more settings adjust them. Your done !

Its not guaranteed that your game will work at its best . But you will atleast able to play the game.

If you have any problems feel free to ask or just comment. 


How to Run high quality Games without Graphics card

As you all know most of high quality games requires Graphics Card to run .But Graphics Cards cost too much . Don't worry there are Free solutions available check it out.......

Step 1 : Download the SwiftShader Demo from their official site .                You have to register here .Or use this link of my dropbox to download directly.

Step 2 : Extract the archive .

Step 3 :  Copy the d3d9.dll  and paste it to your game's directory.

Your are done !!!

Note : The game may not play on its highest quality but improvements will reflect.

Another method will be posted soon .

If you have any problem feel free to ask or simply comment..  :)

How to Convert FAT32 to NTFS Without Formatting or Losing Data

You have a flash drive or probably an external hard drive that currently has FAT32 file system and you want to change it to NTFS, because FAT32 does not support handling large files (over 4GB) or it is just simply old for your taste but there is just one problem, you don't want to lose your saved data. This article is for you then as it explains exactly how you can achieve seamless transition from FAT to NTFS without involving any data loss.


While it is generally recommended to use the NTFS file system because of its stability, security and lesser defragmentation time, most of us end up using FAT32 because that is what most disks are preformatted with. Unless, we notice the “Not enough disk space error” despite disk space being available, we don't bother to change the file system. Moreover, most of us don't change it because of the risk of losing important data and lack of time (read laziness). As Microsoft was aware of this scenario, they added a capability in the command prompt to overcome this by executing a simple command. There are many software that support this too but the Convert command is one of the easiest ways to do so. Follow the steps below to know how:-

Important: While this method works perfectly, I would still advise you to backup your data in case anything goes wrong.

FAT 32 to NTFS Conversion Steps

1) Go to Computer, and note the name of the drive whose file system you wish to convert.
2) Click on Start.
3) Type cmd in the search bar if you use Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows Vista. If you use Windows XP, click on Run and then execute cmd.
4) Execute "chkdsk h: /f " (without quotes) where H is the letter of the drive to undergo conversion. This checks the drive for errors and fixes them automatically.
5) Execute "Convert H: /FS:NTFS" (without quotes). H is again the letter of the drive to be converted.
6) The command prompt will start the conversion process and after a few minutes, CMD will say that conversion was successful.
7) You can check it in the properties of the drive through right click<Properties.

Convert FAT to NTFS

This works on Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows 8 and Windows Vista. I converted my flash drive's file system using these steps and it worked flawlessly. It is interesting to note that this method cannot be used to reconvert NTFS file system back to FAT32. To reconvert back to FAT32, you will need to format the entire drive which will definitely cause data loss.
Note :- If Command Prompt asks you to enter the volume lable then check this post

How to find Volume Lable for hard disks

For formating or just converting the file system command prompt asks you to enter the correct volume lable To find it just follow these steps ...

Step 1 : Open  "Run" . ( You can do it using the combination " home key on keyboard  + R" )

Step 2 : Then type the following command

 vol c:

              Where  'c:' is the letter associated with your hard disk 

Step 3 :   You should see something like this 

                  Volume in drive C is System 
                  Volume Serial Number is C1F3-A79E
        As you can see the volume lable for "c" is System.
NOW your done .Enjoy.If you have any questions ask me or comment 

Feel Free to ask anything

Saturday, 12 April 2014

How to create Partition in Hard disks ( With Pictures )

For many reasons there is need to partition the hard disk .Follow the following steps

Step 1 :

 In Windows 7, click Start, or inWindows 8, go to the Search charm. Either way, type partitions      (and yes, you need the s), then select Create and format hard disk partitions.
The Disk Management program will come up. To shrink the existing partition, right-click it and select Shrink Volume.

Step 2 :
Then wait. It may take a while Eventually, a dialog box will ask how much you want the partition shrunk. The default number will be the maximum available.
And therein lies Disk Management's problem. If the current partition has 228GB free drive, you should be able to shrink it by anything less than 228GB. But Disk Management may not let you shrink it anywhere near that much. If the program won't allow you to shrink the partition as much as you want, skip to the last paragraph.

Your drive may have 23GB of free space, but Disk Management may only let you have 12GB of that.
Step 3:

Let's assume that Disk Management allows you to shrink the partition sufficiently. In that case, set the right size, click the Shrink button, and follow the prompts.  When the resizing is done, right-click the physical drive's unallocated space and select Simple New Volume.

Step 4 :
            Then follow the wizard.

But if Disk Management can't shrink the partition as far as you want it to, it's time to go with a third-party program. I recommend EASEUS Partition Master Free. ( google it ! ) It's simple and, as the name implies, free. And it can shrink your partition until there's almost no empty room. But when you install it, select the Custom Install option to avoid installing extra, unwanted programs.

If you have any problem free feel to ask or comment it

How to Start a Blog on Blogger

Blogger is a best blogging site . The "best" thing is you can get it for free . If you work hard on your blog there are chances to Google Adsense approval . If this happens there will be extra money in your pocket :)

Here's how :-

Step 1 : Navigate to Blogger using your web browser of choice.

Step 2 : Sign in using your Google Account to get started.


Step 3 : If you do not have a Google Account, click "Get started " to get new one.

Step 4 : Enter a “Display Name” to be used to sign your blog posts and click “Continue”.


Step 5 : Click “Create Your Blog Now”


Step 6 : Select a "Blog Title" and and available URL for the blog . It will automatically check for                 the availability if the URL is available you will get it .

Step 7 : Choose a starter Template ( you can change it after creating blog ) .


Step 8 : You are almost done . Now just click on "Start Blogging ".

Step 9 : You can create a new posts , edit posts, pages etc.

You are done now go to settings if you want to change them . They are at the top right corner . :)
If you have any problem the feel free to ask .