You already know Android is the best operating system for the smartphones . And you can also run it on PC
So how its done ... There are basically two methods
a) Dual booting with windows .
b) Inside Virtual box.
I recommend you the second step .
So Just follow These steps
Things you Need :
1. Oracle's Virtual Box . You can download it from Its official site , choose your operating system and download . Its open source that is its FREE
2. Android x86 . This is the Operating System which will be installed on your computer. You can download it from here . Its also open source .
3. A bootable DVD . And a nice cup of Coffee ; )
4. Before you proceed create a new partition of 10 GB . You can create it of any size but if you have available disk space you can create it . If you don't know how to create partitions click here .
It will guide you .
Get Started ...
Step 1 :
Install the Oracle's Virtual Box on your computer . Please take all of its packages don't untick anything . Believe on it it doesn't give you toolbars or downloaders .
Step 2 :
Launch virtual box and click on " New " .
Step 2 :
You will be prompted to the screen like this . Make arrangements like in the image below . You can name it anything Then click on next .
Step 3:
I recommend you to keep the default settings as it is .
Assign the RAM . The recommended size is 256 MB. Then it will ask you to about virtual hard drive check the " Create Virtual Hard Drive Now ". And then click on Create > Next> Dynamically allocated >
A box will appear don't do anything just minimize the virtual box .
Step 4 : Now this is important step . If you miss this the android won't get installed
In the partition that you have created earlier create a folder named Android . Now Open virtual box and assign the size for the Android . Recommended size is 10 GB . Now click on the little folder icon next to the name of the Android x86 . It will open windows explorer . Now Browse to the folder in the new partition that you have created . Then Click on " Create "
After you have completed all these steps It will look like this
Step 5 :
Now go to the folder where you have downloaded the Android x86.iso file and burn it to any blank DVD . If you have no idea about how to do it just click here .
Step 6 :
Open Virtual Box and click on " Start " .
It will open a new window . Make sure that you have inserted the DVD , and now AGAIN click on " Start " .
Step 7 :
Now use arrow keys and highlight the " Installation - Install android to hard disk " and press Enter
Step 8 :
Now select " Create/modify partitions " and press Enter
A Black and white screen will appear ( Oh.. This used to scare me a lot when I was beginner ) Highlight the "new" using arrow key and hit Enter .
Now highlight " Primary " option and hit Enter .
Again Hit enter . Now highlight the " Bootable " option and hit Enter.
Now highlight the " Write " option and hit Enter . make sure that there is no data in the new partition because this step will erase all data on it , so be careful .
Now when you see the following screen ,type " yes " . And hit enter
Now highlight the " Quit " option and hit enter .
Step 9 :
You will see the previous screen like in step 8 but now there is another option like Sda something .
Highlight the first option and hit enter . You will see something like this ...
Choose " ext3 " option and hit enter . Again select "yes" and hit enter . It will format the partition .
Step 10 :
If you want GRUB loader then select Yes otherwise skip it . I recommend you to select Yes.
Now again select Yes for system directory read/write
Installation should start .
Step 11 : After installation is completed select reboot option and restart the OS inside the Virtual Box . Make sure that you have removed the DVD from the DVD-rom if you haven't done it do it before restarting the Android .Otherwise you will be redirected to the whole installation process rather than rebooting.
Step 12 : Select first option .
Now android should start .
Tips :
1)Now to use mouse inside the guest OS which here android click on the screen of android and then click on capture ,and to get back to the host system hold right CTRL + I then you will able to use mouse cursor on your host OS that is your original operating system.
2) Select your country and proceed furthor